
Terms & Conditions

The website at and any related or affiliated sites (the “Website”) is owned and operated by the7stars UK Limited (“we”, “us” or “our”). These terms of use (“Terms of Use”) shall apply to your use of the Website in addition to our Privacy Policy (available here) which describes the information we may collect from you and how we will use it and our Cookie Policy (available here) which describes the cookies that we place on your device and their purpose.

By accessing or using the Website, you agree to be bound by the Website Terms. If you do not agree to be bound to the terms, please leave the website now. If you have any queries regarding this Website please contact us by email at: We will respond to you as soon as reasonably possible.


The Website is made available on an as-is and as-and-when-available basis. We do not promise that your use of this Website will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free, that defects will be corrected or that the Website or the server which makes it available are free of viruses or bugs or are fully functional, accurate, or reliable. We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Website (or part of it) at any time without notice. We will not be liable if the Website becomes unavailable or does not have full functionality for any reason or for any period.

We may need to suspend the Website to carry our maintenance work or permanently close it down at any time. You may use the Website only for lawful purposes. You may not use the Website in any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation or in any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect. You also agree not to access without our authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of the Website or any equipment or network on which the Website is stored or any software used in the provision of the Website or any equipment, network or software owned or used by any third party. You are responsible for making the necessary arrangements for you to have access to the Website and ensuring that all persons who access the Website through your Internet connection are aware of these Terms of Use.


All copyright, trademark, patent and all other intellectual property rights in the design, content and arrangement of the Website (including, but not limited to, its look and feel, text, typographical arrangement, artwork, photographs, blogs, articles, graphics, video, webinars, software and underlying coding) (“Content”) shall remain at all times owned by us or our licensors.

You agree that the Content is made available for your non-exclusive, personal, non-commercial use and you shall not copy, reproduce, modify or download the Website or any part of it. The Content on this Website is meant for information purposes only and is not meant to be relied upon or intended as financial, professional or legal advice, an offer or solicitation or giving any recommendation in relation to any service.

While we have taken every reasonable precaution and care in compiling this Website, we do not make any representations or warranties of any kind (express or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of any Content. Any information on this Website is up-to-date at the time it is posted but is subject to subsequent variation, without notice. Your continued use of the Website following such change shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change.


You may link to our Website provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. You must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists. You may not frame or use framing techniques to enclose any part of the Website or any content accessible on it without our express written consent


From time to time, we may include third-party logos or links to third-party sites or services on our Website. We accept no responsibility or liability arising in respect of any content on such third party website nor shall the use of third party logos, sites or services be deemed to be a recommendation or endorsement of such third party or their products or services by us.


Our limits on liability are based on the fact that this Website is provided to you free of charge. We do not accept any liability to you for any of the following types of loss which you may suffer as a result of your use of the Website: (i) loss which was not foreseeable to you and us when you first accessed or registered to use the Website; (ii) any business loss you may suffer, including loss of revenue, profits or anticipated savings (whether these losses are a direct or indirect result of our default); or (iii) loss which suffers other than as a result of our failure to comply with these Terms of Use or our negligence or breach of statutory duty.

We do not accept any liability to you if the Website fails or is interrupted or delayed due to the non-availability or failure of any telecommunications or computer services, systems, equipment or software operated by you or any third party or any other event not reasonably within our control. Nothing in these Terms of Use shall exclude or limit either party’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited by law.


These Terms of Use shall be subject to English law. Any dispute or matter relating to these Terms of Use shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. No variation or waiver to these Terms of Use shall be effective against us unless we agree it in writing with you. If any part of the Terms of Use shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed to be severable from these Terms of Use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any of the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use.

Last updated: June 2024 © Copyright 2024 the7stars