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Lightbox Loves: Purposeful Disconnection in a Digital Age

the7stars have recently updated the Cultural Codes, highlighting the rise of "Social Reclaimers." In a world filled with screens and constant connectivity, Gen Z is embracing a powerful trend, purposeful disconnection. By taking deliberate breaks from the digital world, these groups hope to lead more mindful and productive lives. That this trend is growing among a generation that has always had technology at their fingertips highlights a shift towards valuing mental well-being and real human connections.

A significant number of Gen Zs are stepping back from social media, with many taking short breaks or detoxes, and even more considering doing so. By disconnecting intentionally, they break free from the overwhelming nature of digital interactions and focus more on real-world experiences and relationships. Popular self-care activities among Gen Z include reading a book (38%), catching up with loved ones (44%), and getting enough sleep (54%) (Canvas8, 2024).

This movement is part of a broader trend towards increased health consciousness. Since the pandemic, 60% of people globally report being more health-conscious (DSM, 2022). This growing awareness is also influencing lifestyle choices, including alcohol consumption, and is trickling down through generations. In the UK, 31% of Gen Xs drank less in 2023 compared to the previous year, and 36% identify as sober-curious (Censuswide/Eisberg, 2023). The UK's no- or low-alcohol market is expected to grow by 7% annually between 2022 and 2026 (IWSR, 2024). Additionally, many under-30s are making a deliberate effort in 2024 to participate in more alcohol-free social activities.

The benefits of purposeful disconnection and mindful socialising are clear. Those who embrace these practices feel more present and engaged in their lives, experience less stress, and have better relationships. Brands can join this movement by promoting products and services that align with these values. This could include offering wellness-oriented experiences, such as digital detox retreats or alcohol-free events. Brands can also engage with their audience through campaigns that encourage mental health awareness and the benefits of unplugging from digital devices.

In conclusion, the trend of purposeful disconnection among Generation Z shows a growing concern for the always-on, social media lifestyle. This movement highlights how technology can enhance our lives when used mindfully, reminding us that sometimes, the best way to connect is to disconnect.

Source: Canvas 8 (2024), Drink Retail News (2023), Starling Bank (2024)