It’s been a positive start to 2023 for the OOH sector with JCDecaux recently sharing that they are predicting around 2.5% organic revenue growth in Q1 this year. Recent market projections also suggest further OOH growth levels of around 7-8% in 2023 as a whole. OOH continues to lead the way as one of the most highly trusted media for brands to adopt. As Justin Gibbons astutely confirmed recently in his book: The Brand Gap, ‘You can’t tell lies in public.’ It remains a truly broadcast medium with media owners continuing to invest heavily in exciting new DOOH infrastructure, leading to nearly 70% of all OOH revenue being invested into DOOH by brands in 2022.
Media owners continue to invest in CapEx with Clear Channel continuing their focus and rollout of their flagship Adshel and Billboard Live propositions, while Ocean debuts an exciting new D6 Loop network at Battersea Power Station. JCDecaux also invested heavily in exciting new rail screens and has announced the newly revamped Euston Motion screen. At over 60m long, this will become the largest indoor screen in Europe, once live, later this year.
With this huge investment in premium DOOH infrastructure, it was great to see Ocean present their latest Neuroscience market research this week, at the aptly chosen ‘Frameless’ art installation venue in London. Building upon a decade of research quantifying the effects of premium DOOH on brand building, relevance, and emotional intensity, their latest installation showcases the role of DOOH in optimising the use of social media. ‘DOOH: The Vital Ingredient’ showed us that using socially amplified DOOH changes how your brand is perceived and can drive huge emotional engagement, attention, and brand connection.
OOH has been under a critical spotlight lately overpower consumption from digital screens. However, let’s remember that three of the four largest media owner screens are now powered by 100% renewable energy. Indeed, the sector has made huge strides in recent years throughout the entire supply chain. Initiatives range from recycled paper, and the use of electric vehicles or zero carbon vans, to carbon offsetting, along with the renewable energy DOOH screens.
A recent showcase of Clear Channel’s latest market piece ‘The R Word’ rightfully focused on ‘Responsibility’ within their strategy, reminding us that 50% of the OOH industry revenue gets invested back into local authorities (Source: PWC). This money contributes to funding the development of public infrastructure, sustainable transport networks, and the wider economy itself. Clear Channel embrace this commitment and also announced further rollouts of their Living Roofs, which they affectionally nickname ‘Bee Bus Stops’. These have been designed to support native biodiversity, help create healthier local communities, and bring greenery back into urban areas. It’s brilliant to see everyone in the sector playing their part in ensuring OOH remains the sustainable, future-facing broadcast channel it is.